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November 6, 2013

AIA Celebrates 10th Anniversary and Honors Jocelyn Ash with NCEA Gerson Award

By: Mycah Kirkland

October 2013 was an exciting month for Atlanta Institute of Aesthetics! On October 21st, AIA held an Open House in celebration of its Ten Year Anniversary. The evening was a success, with industry professionals, local media, former and future students touring the AIA campus, receiving complimentary services, and reacquainting themselves with the school’s eco-conscious initiatives. […]

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October 30, 2013

Traci Daly-Smith Returns to Atlanta School of Massage

By: Mycah Kirkland

I recently had the opportunity to speak with Traci and let her shine light on the reasons for her initial departure, the ways our industry has changed, and the renewed energy and focus that she looks forward to bringing into her new role.

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October 10, 2013

The Price of Beauty: Women of Color and Toxic Beauty Products

By: Mycah Kirkland

As a woman of color, I know all-too-well how difficult it is to find the right shade of foundation or a product with the right moisture factor to tame my hair; but, based on the alarming findings in the above mentioned report, I owe it to myself – and to you, the reader – to locate safe alternatives.

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October 2, 2013

Atlanta Institute of Aesthetics Celebrates Ten Years of Providing Skin Care Training and Services

By: Mycah Kirkland

The inaugural skin care class of April 2003 marked the official opening of Atlanta Institute of Aesthetics. Reflected each day in AIA’s mission statement and practices is Founder Leticia Allen’s long-standing dedication to eco-friendly practices and sustainability. At SensAbility (the teaching clinic of Atlanta Institute of Aesthetics), students perform spa services on clients using organic products.

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September 25, 2013

Conclusion: Forks Over Knives & Engine 2: Food As Medicine at ASM

By: Mycah Kirkland

In the final installment of her 4-part series, ASM Wellness Contributing Writer Mycah Kirkland explores the impact that following the Engine 2 Diet has had on the lives of two members of the ASM community.

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September 18, 2013

Forks Over Knives & Engine 2: Food as Medicine at ASM – Part 3

By: Mycah Kirkland

In part two of her interview, ASM Wellness contributing Writer Mycah Kirkland sits down with Carol Venclik as she explains how she embarked on a life-saving journey following the Engine 2 Diet.

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September 11, 2013

Forks Over Knives & Engine 2: Food as Medicine at ASM – Part 2

By: Mycah Kirkland

ASM Wellness contributing Writer Mycah Kirkland sits down with Carol Venclik as she shares how she regained her health and vitality following the Engine 2 Diet.

In November 2012, AIA Instructor, Carol Venclik, was told by her physician that her alarming cholesterol numbers warranted the immediate commencement of regulatory medication.

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September 4, 2013

Forks Over Knives & Engine 2: Food as Medicine at ASM

By: Mycah Kirkland

Although traditionally prone to advocate the prescription of medications to regulate and control such conditions, more and more medical doctors are beginning to operate in Edison’s future – one where nutrition over drugs is the key to reversing many of these conditions. The documentary Forks Over Knives chronicles the research of two such physicians: Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn and Dr. T. Colin Campbell.

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SensAbility is the teaching clinic of ASM Wellness
It's where Atlanta School of Massage, Atlanta Institute of Aesthetics and Atlanta Personal Trainer Program
provide a wide range of wellness services to the public.
2 Dunwoody Park South
Atlanta, GA 30338
Phone: 770-454-7167

2 Dunwoody Park South, Suite 105
Atlanta, GA 30338
Phone: 770-454-7167