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February 11, 2016

Happy ValenMine’s Day

By: Elizabeth Adams

Love Yourself

Lucille Ball said it “Love yourself first and everything falls into place”. Seems simple right? For many people, it’s a lot more difficult than it sounds. I’m proposing that we all celebrate “ValenMine’s Day” a day all about your first true love- YOU! It’s easy really- anything you would like done for yourself, or that you would like to do for someone else, do it for yourself. Here’s how I plan to celebrate my very first ValenMine’s Day-

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September 1, 2015

Apps For Students

By: Elizabeth Adams

Apps For Students

Technology has all but taken over our lives. People of all ages have smart phones. I know 5 year olds who have iphones, and 85 year olds who can’t seem to put theirs down. We will walk around on 4 hours of sleep, but our phone will have 100% charge. Our priorities are a little backwards.If we looked for a place to rest when we got tired with the same effort that we look for a phone charger when we get to 20% battery life, we would probably accomplish a lot more as a society.

I love technology, I think that when used properly it can enhance our lives like nothing else. I’m constantly on the look for apps that I can share with others. I look for more than just games. I look for apps to help with my daily life as a mom and teacher. Here are some of my favorites for adult students.

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July 9, 2015

10 People You Meet in Esthetics School

By: Elizabeth Adams

I think the best thing about esthetics/ cosmetology school is that it exposes you to people from all walks of life. You end up meeting people you wouldn’t normally befriend. It’s one of the only career paths that blends art and science so fluidly. You have creative artistic types sitting beside super science buffs. You’ll never find a career so accepting, loving and fun.

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SensAbility is the teaching clinic of ASM Wellness
It's where Atlanta School of Massage, Atlanta Institute of Aesthetics and Atlanta Personal Trainer Program
provide a wide range of wellness services to the public.
2 Dunwoody Park South
Atlanta, GA 30338
Phone: 770-454-7167

2 Dunwoody Park South, Suite 105
Atlanta, GA 30338
Phone: 770-454-7167